Training for your horse
Training for your horse
Our unique Foundation Training Programme has helped hundreds of horses overcome fear and grow in confidence to become safe dependable partners in the great outdoors.
If you feel your horse can benefit from our approach to NH based training please contact us to find out how we can help
Hi Avril,
I just wanted to thank you again for everything you, Annie and Michael have done for Fergus. I still can't quite believe the changes I saw in him on Saturday. I know I've already said it but he really is like a completely different horse. Well that's not completely true, he's still essentially Fergus but without the worry and the stress. I'm sure you are told this time and time again but what you do really is life changing. I know his training isn't anywhere near completed but after seeing him at the weekend and how different he is, I'm sure that he will be coming home to me when you think he is ready to. If Fergus is going to come home, he'll be with me for a very long time so it will be well worth the wait now.
I loved the video of the course on Facebook and the photo you put on there of me looking at Fergus says it all really.
Thanks again for ageing my horse, you do such a brilliant job.
Take care
Arlene X