Having turned into a much more nervous rider, I began my search for a horse to match. It was such a depressing search and I began to feel that perhaps I had just lost my nerve irreversibly. But then I found Mysafecobs. I felt it would be worth a visit even though it was a long way from where I live. As soon as I met Avril, I knew that I wouldn’t be sold a horse that wasn’t suitable for me.
Avril spent time with me getting to understand what my requirements were and how nervous I actually was and she introduced me to Millie. What can I say? She is perfect! She is exactly as Avril described her down to the last detail and she has been ideal for me to go out and about and explore the countryside with. I was a little apprehensive on my new horse for the first few weeks, despite the fact that she didn’t put a foot wrong, but now we are hacking out and about in such a relaxed way. She is perfect with all traffic, open spaces, and just about anything that the great outdoors has thrown at us. We can meet up with other riders for a ride and leave them to come home. I am really enjoying riding again! It is so reassuring to know that Avril is still available for advice should I need it. Millie is fabulous in every way and has found a home for life. Thank you so much Avril for providing such a genuine and much needed service and such a brilliant horse.
Regards Louise